Thursday, December 9, 2010

"And when you feel, feel it deep. When you breathe, breathe hard. When you laugh, laugh forever. And when you live, live it all." - October 5, 5:42 p.m.

Somthing I've recently experimented with is my photography. Just a click here and there. My inspiration always comes from wanting to feel the picture, rather then just see it.  The people in the photos feel, breathe, laugh, and live life - my photography is simply trying to capture the essence of who they are.

Emory and Gaia - Actors
Emory and Gaia are both actors - they're overly expressive personalities are a part of their every day lives. Why should their photo be any different?

Hannah - Dancer
Hannah's story was breath taking and beautiful. I had the honor of writing a story on dancer who struggled with an eating disorder since she was in 6th grade. The grace and poise within her I tried to convey within her photo.

1 comment:

  1. I like the picture you created of Hannah - very interesting to look at. The one of Emory and Gaia is interesting as well, but a little dark for my taste. I've always wanted to learn more about photography, but have very little time to do so at this point in my life. Maybe when my kids are grown... ;)

    I do hope you continue with your blog - I like reading about other people and their views on life. I haven't come across many young bloggers, but maybe reading their blogs would give me a better understanding of my own children. Also, not sure how you found my blog, but if you haven't already found her, Pioneer Woman has a photography portion in her blog that you may find useful. :)
